You can support Ex Libris by making a tax-deductible contribution through our fiscal sponsor, Women Make Movies.

To make a tax-deductible donation by credit card.

If you prefer to make a tax-deductible donation by check, make checks payable to:

Women Make Movies with “Ex Libris” written in the memo line, and send to the address below.

Send checks to:
attn Melissa Hacker
Bee’s Knees Productions
116 West 14th Street #6S
New York, NY 10011

Within a month, you should receive a letter of acknowledgement for your donation from Women Make Movies which can be used for tax purposes.

Thank you for your help!

Ex Libris is Fiscally Sponsored by Women Make Movies.

Women Make Movies, Inc. is the only national multi-cultural women’s media organization whose focus is the promotion, production, exhibition and distribution of films by and about women.  Established in 1972, Women Make Movies is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit media arts organization registered with the New York Charities Bureau of New York State.  As the fiscal sponsor, WMM accepts donations or grants on behalf of the filmmaker and takes the responsibility of administering the funds received in support of the development and completion of the film.